Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chrusciki Recipe!

Here is another recipe! Polish Chrusciki!

-Shortening for frying
-12 egg yolks
-1 tbsp. melted butter
-1 cup confectioners sugar
-4-5 cups all-purpose flour
-2 tsp vanilla
Beat egg yolks with all ingredients but flour. Add flour slowly, using just enough to make a noodle-like dough. Roll out dough very very thin on floured board. Cut dough into 11/4 inch wide and ½ inch long. Cut a slit in middle of rectangles. Pull corner through the slit to make a sort of bow-tie looking shape. Pry in hot melted shortening until lightly browned. Drain on paper towels. Cool and dust with powdered sugar.
taken from:

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